Monday, May 14, 2012

VIDEO: David "Zuma Dogg" Saltsburg Delivers Speech and Answers Questions at Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate Forum [An L.A. Political Icon SPEAKS on, "What It Will Take To FIX Los Angeles"] 17 mins

After six years of relentless investigation of L.A. City Hall -- along with the six years of exposing it throughout various forms of media, throughout Los Angeles, it is a pleasure to be able to move forward and ahead, this 2013 L.A. Mayoral Campaign season, by focusing almost entirely on bringing my major market radio management experience to the position of mayor, and highlighting the single most critical need for L.A. City Hall, at this time: "Methods for Management of Quality & Productivity." This is Zuma Dogg as "L.A. Mayoral Candidate David 'Zuma Dogg' Saltsburg," in a nice new suit, with a nice, new, clean shave and haircut: BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY in his "Candidate for Mayor" persona and delivery. A damn near 1%'er, if you didn't know any better. Enjoy Mr. Dogg with a decorum ZD's mom and Eric Garcetti can actually sit through:

EVEN BETTER: Walk with Zuma Dogg as he runs through his radio management background; and applies what he learned ("Quality & Productivity Management," "Marketing Warfare Strategy," and "Communication Sciences") to job of Mayor of Los Angeles. Mr. Saltsburg believes the job of mayor is not to take control of city council, because that is not the mayor's job. The mayor's job is that of a manager, to keep the trees trimmed, the streets clean, the departments functioning and operating, and continue to improve the process of providing customer service and satisfaction to the customer (residents/business owner/entrepreneurs.) That is done by being the orchestrator and facilitator between all city departments, toward the goal of breaking down department barriers (red tape/bureaucracy) and having them work together:

OFFICIAL "ZUMA DOGG for L.A. Mayor - 2013" WEB SITE: