Sunday, December 16, 2012

Mercedes Marquez reinstated as General Manager of the LAHD - Bad News for Housing in City of LA

Mercedes Marquez reinstated as General Manager of the LAHD - Bad News for Housing in City of LA

Nov 19, 2012
Mercedes Marquez confirmed as General Manager of LAHD
Mercedes Marquez, the architect behind the aggressive anti-property owner, anti-business policies of the Los Angeles Housing Department has unfortunately returned to her post. After serving a short stint at HUD in Washington DC she was sent back to LA. She was confirmed on Friday November 16, 2012 in a perplexing split vote. Ten landlords managed to show up to protest the hearing. Only 24 hours notice was  given for this important vote.

Usually in these General Manager Confirmation Hearings, the person being appointed is given a few softball questions and then voted in unanimously by the City Council. This time it went a bit different. Mercedes Marquez didn’t even show up to own Confirmation Hearing. Imagine going to a job interview where the salary is over $200,000 and sending in your friend instead. This is exactly what Mercedes Marquez did by sending in Rushmore Cervantes, another executive of the LAHD to answer these questions.

Many Councilmembers voiced their opinions on Mercedes Marquez. Councilmember Dennis Zine even said that in the past 11 years he has never seen a General Manager not show up to their own confirmation hearing. Koretz, who is usually more pro-tenant didn’t feel comfortable voting her in. Councilmember Krekorian questioned why the vote was being taken on the very last day of council session and the vote be delayed. Councilman Englander voiced strong disapproval towards Mercedes Marquez being absent as well. The City Attorney stated that since this was just before the Council Recess, she would still be appointed even without a vote, she had to be rejected outright. To many landlords in the audience, this seemed to be a purposeful strategy done by the Council President so shoo her in quietly. She was voted 8 Yeas, 4 Nos, and 3 Absent. So she won a majority of the Council by one vote, hardly a vote of confidence.

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